Monday, August 3, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday: Characters Who are Fellow Book Nerds

Top 10 Tuesday is a meme created over at The Broke and the Bookish.

Today's Topic: Top 10 Characters Who are Fellow Book Nerds

I meant to post this on July 28th, but I was at a music camp, so this is going up about a week late.

I love this topic because some of my favorite characters are readers! It makes it so much easier to relate to them.

1. Sky Davis

Sky is from my favorite book, Hopeless, and she loves to read. Since she's home schooled and her mom has an aversion towards electronics, Sky relies on books for entertainment.

"My lack of access to the real world has been replaced completely by books, and it can't be healthy to live in a land of happily ever afters."-Sky Davis

2. Hermione Granger 

When I saw this topic, I knew I had to include Hermione from Harry Potter. 

"Books! And cleverness! There are more important things-friendship and bravery."-Hermione Granger

3. Elend Venture

Elend Venture is from the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. He's a young noble that catches Vin's attention at the ball, where he spends his time reading instead of socializing. 

"It was amazing how many books one could fit in a room, assuming one didn't want to move around too much."- Elend Venture

Isn't the fan art amazing?

4. Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion may be a dwarf, but he gains knowledge and power from books. He's one of my favorite characters from Game of Thrones.

"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That is why I read so much."-Tyrion Lannister

5. Will Herondale and 6. Tessa Gray

These two bond over their love of words and make an adorable couple.

"One must be careful of books and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."-Tessa Gray

7. Celeana Sordothien

Celeana is from the Throne of Glass series by Sara J. Maas. I love how in the books she is constantly buying books and bookshelves.

8. Hazel Grace and 9. Augustus Waters

Who could forget Hazel and Augustus? Their love of literature brought them all the way to Germany.

10. Despereaux

And lastly, our favorite little mouse, Desperaux. 
"Stories are light. Light is precious in a world so dark."-Kate Dicamillo 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: July 22, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme created by Breaking the Spine, where on Wednesdays, you post a book you are waiting to be released.

Untamed by A. G. Howard

Publication Date: December 15th, 2015

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Pages: 240

Goodreads | Amazon


Alyssa Gardner went down the rabbit hole and took control of her destiny. She survived the battle for Wonderland and the battle for her heart. In this collection of three novellas, join Alyssa and her family as they look back at their memories of Wonderland. 

In Six Impossible Things, Alyssa recalls the most precious moments of her life after Ensnared, and the role magic plays in preserving the happiness of those she loves. Alyssa’s mother reminisces about her own time in Wonderland and rescuing the man who would become her husband in The Boy in the Web. And Morpheus delves into Jeb’s memories of the events of Splintered in The Moth in the Mirror, available in print for the first time.

This collection expands upon Ensnared's epilogue, and includes some deleted scenes to provide a “director’s cut” glimpse into the past and futures of our favorite Splintered characters.

I'm really excited to buy this book because the gorgeous cover will match wonderfully with the rest of the series. I also want more closure after Ensnared, because I feel like I didn't get enough. I wanted more details on Alyssa's life with Jeb, and her and Morpheus's dream child. I also really want to read The Moth in the Mirror since I have yet to read the novella.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Top 10: TV Shows

For today's top 10 favorites, I will be sharing my favorite TV shows! 

1. Game of Thrones

Yes, Game of Thrones is my favorite TV show ever. There's such a great array of characters, but if I had to name a few favorites, they would be: 

Arya Stark

I love how she goes against the "girl standards" and learns how to sword fight.

Jon Snow

You know nothing Jon Snow.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys is just such a strong female character and I love her so much.

Brienne of Tarth

Brienne also is amazing and I love her for the same reasons I love Arya.

2. The Vampire Diaries

TVD  is always drama packed and crazy. I've never had a show give me so many feels before. I will continue to watch season 7 even though Nina Dobrev left the show. One of my favorite characters is Caroline.

I am also a huge Delena fan.

3. The 100

I am a huge fan of the 100. It's so addicting! Some of my favorite characters are Raven, Octavia, and Monty.

I am a huge Bellarke Shipper.

4. Big Brother

Big Brother is definitely my favorite reality TV show. My family and I watch nearly every episode together. Some of my favorite house guests are 

Ian (Right side in the dog costume.)




Zrankie is also my favorite showmance of all time.

5. The Walking Dead

I never thought I would be able to get into this show because I absolutely hate zombies, but once I started watching, I was hooked.

I ship Maggie and Glenn so hard.

6. Supernatural

Do I even need to explain?

7. Once Upon a Time

I have been following this show since it's pilot. I love this show so much because I love when a bunch of different fairytales intertwine.

Captain Swan shipper for life.

Snowing is also one of my favorite couples.

8. Roswell

Roswell is an older show, but it is one of my favorite shows of all time. It's about the Roswell aliens and it's such a great show.

Max and Liz will always be one of my favorite OTP's.

Maria and Liz also have the best friendship.

I also am a hardcore shipper of Maria and Michael.

9. The Messengers

The Messengers is a newer show on the CW. There's only 1 season so far, but I am already invested in it.

Erin and Raul are so cute.

10. Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is more of a guilty pleasure show, but I still love it.

Rufus and Lily had a lot of problems, but I still think they're cute.

Blair and Chuck were just meant for each other.


Gossip Girl

I'm kidding. Thank you so much for visiting my blog!